
Certamen Meeting

October 15, 2019.

Certamen and possibly some other fun Latin games.

Halloween Service Project

October 31, 2019.

Making cards for people and getting sPoOkY.


JCL Talk

November 19, 2019.

Breaking down different competitions and events at Area.


December 18, 2019.

IO SATURNALIA. We’re also registering for area.

Be sure to bring your gifts!


Area Prep/Information Session

January 21, 2020.

What it says on the tin.

Area C Convention

February 15, 2020.

Our first JCL Convention! Resources available here.

Here’s how we did!


TSJCL State Convention (RIP)

March 27-29, 2020.

State has been canceled - here’s the info on that.


Service Project

April 1, 2020.

More information to come.

Rome’s Birthday Party

April 21, 2020.

Celebrate Rome’s birthday party and National Latin Week.


End of Year Party

May 7, 2020.

More information to come.

NJCL Convention

July 24-29, 2020. University of Richmond.

Everything you loved about TSJCL, but there’s more. Bring spirit and lots of #JCLove.

Resources available here.

More information to come