The 2012-2013 Greenhill JCL (unofficial) website
Areeba’s TSJCL Fall 2016 and Winter 2017 Torches
Nicole’s TSJCL Fall 2018, Midnight 2019, and Winter 2019 Torches
November updates:
Created a ‘nuts and bolts’ page where the archive, minutes, and website updates can be accessed in one place
Added navigation bar for Resources page (based on feedback from Google Forms survey)
Wrote up and added minutes for the meetings on October 15th, October 31st, and November 19th
Completed meeting recaps in Previously On… for the meetings on October 31st and November 19th
Updated event descriptions for the Halloween Service Project and the JCL Talk
Added academic study tools link to the NJCL page
December updates:
Added the link to sign up for area to the main page, along with a note to ignore the Google Form spot for lunch options
Added contact info for officers and sponsors (those who responded to an email saying that it was okay)
Added the Previously On entry for the December 18th meeting and posted minutes there
Added the December 18th meeting’s minutes to the Minutes subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page
Added December updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page
Edited the description of the Saturnalia event on the Schedule page as a reminder to bring the assigned gifts
Added the sign-up link for area on the November 19th meeting recap page to replace “sign-up link coming soon”, as a reminder to sign up for area
Fixed the TSJCL State Conventions dates on the Schedule page (March 27-29 instead of March 27-19)
January updates:
Added event description for the January 21st meeting
Added an “about” page with a brief description of our chapter’s activities, the JCL creed, and the JCL song
Added a countdown to the Area C convention on the Main page
Added January updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page
February updates:
Added Nicole’s JCL art submission and caption to the “About” page, offset by the text content of the “Salve!” heading
Added Veda’s JCL photography submission and caption to the “About” page, offset by the text content of the “JCL Creed” heading
Added Aimee’s JCL mosaic submission and caption to the “About“ page, offset by the text content of the “JCL Song” heading
Updated the countdown on the Main page to be for the State convention
Updated event description for Area C with list of awards won
Added the Previously On entry for the January 21st meeting and posted minutes there
Added the January 21st meeting’s minutes to the Minutes subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page
Added February updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page
Replaced empty textboxes between “to-do” sections in the Updates subpage with spacers
March updates:
Added a recap of the Area C convention to the main page, along with a picture of the GHJCL attendees with their awards
Removed last names from “Officers” page and on captions in the “About” page
Removed all header text from the main page except “The official GHJCL Website”
Added an NLE section on the main page announcing the NLE and linking the NLE website and NJCL academic contest resources
Added Nicole’s “Black and White” submission as the background for the NLE subsection of the main page
Added a picture of the Advanced Certamen Team with their trophy to the Resources page in the “Area” subpage
Removed “State Prep/Information Session” event from the events calendar
Added TSJCL release detailing the cancellation of the state convention to the “TSJCL State Convention” entry on the “Schedule” page and changed the entry to “TSJCL State Convention (RIP)”
Added a caption to the image on the “Officers” page
Updated the countdown on the Main page to be for the National convention
Added the NLE website to the general resources section in the Resources page
Added a caption to the GHJCL “logo” on the main page
Added March updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page
As the archive grows, add a search function to the subpage
Create a page explaining the JCL to newcomers
Contact Natalie for her scrapbook + add to the archive
Tasks from the November to-do
As the archive grows, add a search function to the subpage
Contact Natalie for her scrapbook + add to the archive
Add 1/21 meeting Minutes to the Minutes subpage and Previously on… page
As the archive grows, add a search function to the subpage
Add image descriptions to images
Add picture of Certamen team to the website