Nuts and Bolts



All of our previous JCL content can be accessed through here.

Updates coming soon!


A collection of the minutes for each JCL meeting we’ve had.


Monthly website updates, if you’re interested in that stuff.


  • The 2012-2013 Greenhill JCL (unofficial) website



November updates:

  • Created a ‘nuts and bolts’ page where the archive, minutes, and website updates can be accessed in one place

  • Added navigation bar for Resources page (based on feedback from Google Forms survey)

  • Wrote up and added minutes for the meetings on October 15th, October 31st, and November 19th

  • Completed meeting recaps in Previously On… for the meetings on October 31st and November 19th

  • Updated event descriptions for the Halloween Service Project and the JCL Talk

  • Added academic study tools link to the NJCL page

December updates:

  • Added the link to sign up for area to the main page, along with a note to ignore the Google Form spot for lunch options

  • Added contact info for officers and sponsors (those who responded to an email saying that it was okay)

  • Added the Previously On entry for the December 18th meeting and posted minutes there

  • Added the December 18th meeting’s minutes to the Minutes subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page

  • Added December updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page

  • Edited the description of the Saturnalia event on the Schedule page as a reminder to bring the assigned gifts

  • Added the sign-up link for area on the November 19th meeting recap page to replace “sign-up link coming soon”, as a reminder to sign up for area

  • Fixed the TSJCL State Conventions dates on the Schedule page (March 27-29 instead of March 27-19)

January updates:

  • Added event description for the January 21st meeting

  • Added an “about” page with a brief description of our chapter’s activities, the JCL creed, and the JCL song

  • Added a countdown to the Area C convention on the Main page

  • Added January updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page

February updates:

  • Added Nicole’s JCL art submission and caption to the “About” page, offset by the text content of the “Salve!” heading

  • Added Veda’s JCL photography submission and caption to the “About” page, offset by the text content of the “JCL Creed” heading

  • Added Aimee’s JCL mosaic submission and caption to the “About“ page, offset by the text content of the “JCL Song” heading

  • Updated the countdown on the Main page to be for the State convention

  • Updated event description for Area C with list of awards won

  • Added the Previously On entry for the January 21st meeting and posted minutes there

  • Added the January 21st meeting’s minutes to the Minutes subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page

  • Added February updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page

  • Replaced empty textboxes between “to-do” sections in the Updates subpage with spacers

March updates:

  • Added a recap of the Area C convention to the main page, along with a picture of the GHJCL attendees with their awards

  • Removed last names from “Officers” page and on captions in the “About” page

  • Removed all header text from the main page except “The official GHJCL Website”

  • Added an NLE section on the main page announcing the NLE and linking the NLE website and NJCL academic contest resources

  • Added Nicole’s “Black and White” submission as the background for the NLE subsection of the main page

  • Added a picture of the Advanced Certamen Team with their trophy to the Resources page in the “Area” subpage

  • Removed “State Prep/Information Session” event from the events calendar

  • Added TSJCL release detailing the cancellation of the state convention to the “TSJCL State Convention” entry on the “Schedule” page and changed the entry to “TSJCL State Convention (RIP)”

  • Added a caption to the image on the “Officers” page

  • Updated the countdown on the Main page to be for the National convention

  • Added the NLE website to the general resources section in the Resources page

  • Added a caption to the GHJCL “logo” on the main page

  • Added March updates to the Updates subpage in the Nuts and Bolts page


  • As the archive grows, add a search function to the subpage

  • Create a page explaining the JCL to newcomers

  • Contact Natalie for her scrapbook + add to the archive



  • Tasks from the November to-do



  • As the archive grows, add a search function to the subpage

  • Contact Natalie for her scrapbook + add to the archive

  • Add 1/21 meeting Minutes to the Minutes subpage and Previously on… page



  • As the archive grows, add a search function to the subpage

  • Add image descriptions to images

  • Add picture of Certamen team to the website